Friends of Stukeley Meadows School (‘FOSMS’) is the PTA of the school, we put on events throughout the school year to raise funds for our children. Our fetes, fun days, film nights, quiz nights and much more besides have become very popular calendar dates amongst school families, staff and the wider Stukeley Meadows Community.

We always need your help! All of our events are fabulous but this comes with a lot of hard work and dedication from a small core team! You don’t need to commit oodles of time to FOSMS… just a hand here and there! PLEASE, PLEASE if you think you can help us at any of our events, or have ideas for new, fresh and fun events, we want to hear from you. Our meetings are held at 7pm on the FIRST Wednesday of each month in the Staff Room.

The Current Committee:

Tanith Thompson (Chairperson)
Phil Pearce (Vice Chairperson)
Hayley Hopkins (Treasurer)
Katherine Southwood (Secretary)

Tel: 01480 398060
Twitter: FOSMS – Friends of Stukeley Meadows School


Help donate to the school at no cost to you when you shop on Amazon by visiting AmazonSmile and choose ‘Friends of Stukeley Meadows School’ as your chosen charity.
If you shop using the Amazon iPhone App, open the app, select the menu (bottom right), scroll down and expand the Settings section, then select AmazonSmile and search and select ‘Friends of Stukeley Meadows School’ – thank you!
