We are proud of the pastoral and family support that we offer as a school. For many years, we have invested in an experienced ‘Support Team’ who work closely with class teachers, children and families on the many challenges that arise outside of the teaching/learning aspects of school life.

Mrs Johnstone is our SENDCo. She works full days on Tuesdays and Fridays and on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Mrs Holloway is our full time Pastoral and Family Lead for parents and children.

Contact with either is by phone (01480 398060) or email (ajohnstone@stukeleymeadows.cambs.sch.uk or sholloway@stukeleymeadows.cambs.sch.uk) in the first instance. Face to face meetings can then be arranged when needed.

Our school/federation offer of Early Help is here and more detail on the wider Cambs offer is here.